Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friday and a new manicure for me:)

Friday - I made my way to Sans Souci to give Shellac manicures to Lauren and her busy and streeful it is to be a bride!  I say that sincerely because I could feel the frantic brewing as I was finishing Megans manicure...the minutes were flying and the countdown to the rehearsal was rapidy approaching.  I missed giving Megan her pedicure which I feel terrible about...the girls were all lovely and I know Lauren and Nathan will have a fantastic day, she is a lovley girl and I wish her and her new husband a happy life together Y

Yesterday I had to cut my nails...the length was killing me not to mention my kids:}

So considering it was my brother-in-laws birthday dinner I decided a cut and new colour was in are the photos.


this...CND Shellac Asphalt & some wedding ring sparkle

Loving having my short nails again....I feel free to rumble with my kids without drawing blood....I love to rumble with my kids:)

The sun is shining today and I'm really happy its Sunday.

Happy days and love to all my followers.
The Girl

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