Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Toying Around

I had a lovely chat today with Justine from the fab little toy store at Gladesville Shopping Centre...yes I was spending more money on my kids...a ballet bag for Ariel today :-}

It's not often I get to pass the shop without being pulled in by the kids...Elvis goes straight to the right side of the store where all the Nijago Lego stuff is and Ari to the left side of the store where all the lovely girlie stuff is!  Gee those kids of mine have me wrapped.

A great shop, the staff are always really helpful and they have great stuff...especially if you are looking for something a little unique to gift :)
Shop 23 Gladesville Shopping Village
9817 2998
Only 2 more sleeps and its the Life InStyle tradeshow - yay!!!!! :)

Happy Days Everyone

The Girl

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